Bob Barker would be proud…
It’s feral cat rescue season for us this year. We have a neighborhood cat family living close by, and since we started feeding the Mama cat, and then her kittens, we’ve taken on the role of Cat Fixer.
Here’s a photo of the group eating dinner:

Kitties in the wild
After looking for pre-made cages, I searched online for building instructions and found some that worked out really well at How to Build a Cat Cage. (Thanks Isaac for taking the time to post step by step instructions). This is what our cage looks like:

Our feral cat cage

Another view of the cat cage with added door
This week we started trapping and having the kitties spayed and neutered. It’s going better than we expected.
Check back for updates…this looks like what we’ll be doing for Christmas and maybe into the new year.
*For those of you who never saw or have forgotten The Price is Right, Bob Barker always ended the show with “…and remember, please have your pets spayed and neutered…or something along those lines…it’s been a long time since I saw the show.