having fun

Photo Gallery Software

I’ve really been having fun with Flickr. It’s easy to use and simple enough for most folks to view your photos. I had a client that wanted a way to easily add photos to a web page and I thought, “wouldn’t it be great if I could have something like that and incorporate it into a blog!”

In comes Gallery 2. Looks like a great idea, so I install and configure it. It’s not as easy to use as Flickr, but there are tons more options…which is the good (I suppose) and bad news. I did get a gallery started, I even began to integrate it into the blog. [WordPress Gallery 2 Plugin] You’ll have to keep an eye out to see if I try to work out the style and integration issues. It’s starting to weigh in on the “not so fun side”, so I’m not too sure…

You can take a look at the gallery here. Like everything on the web, it’s a work in progress…and a good excuse to go out for a ride and take photos.


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